
EU Commission Issues Internal Guidelines on ChatGPT and Generative AI

The European Commission has recently released internal guidelines for its staff regarding the use and interaction with generative AI models, with a particular focus on addressing their limitations and risks. These guidelines aim to assist Commission staff in understanding the potential risks and limitations associated with online generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Bard, and Stable Diffusion. While acknowledging the potential benefits of these tools in boosting efficiency and productivity, the guidelines emphasize the need for appropriate usage and safeguards.

Understanding the Risks and Limitations

The guidelines highlight several key risks and limitations associated with generative AI tools. Firstly, there is a concern regarding the disclosure of sensitive information or personal data to the public. As the guidelines point out, any input provided to an online generative AI model is transmitted to the AI provider, potentially impacting future generated outputs. To mitigate this risk, EU staff is strictly prohibited from sharing non-public information or personal data with these AI models.

Secondly, the guidelines address the potential shortcomings of AI models, which may lead to incorrect or biased responses due to incomplete data or undisclosed algorithm designs. EU officials are advised to critically assess any response generated by online generative AI models for potential biases and factual inaccuracies. Transparency in the development and operation of AI models is essential to ensure reliable and unbiased outcomes.

The lack of transparency also raises concerns regarding the violation of intellectual property (IP) rights, particularly copyright. AI models trained on protected content might inadvertently reproduce copyrighted material without proper attribution. To address this, staff members are advised to critically evaluate whether AI-generated outputs violate IP rights, specifically copyright, and are explicitly instructed not to directly replicate such outputs in public documents, including legally binding ones.

Lastly, the guidelines recognize that generative AI models may have limitations in terms of response time and availability. Consequently, the Commission staff is prohibited from relying on these tools for critical and time-sensitive tasks. This highlights the importance of understanding the capabilities and limitations of generative AI models and using them appropriately within the appropriate context.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adaptation

The guidelines emphasize that they are a “living document” and will be updated to reflect technological advancements and regulatory interventions, including the upcoming EU AI Act. As the field of AI evolves rapidly, it is crucial to keep pace with the latest developments and ensure the guidelines remain relevant and effective in addressing emerging risks and challenges.

Regulation and Implementation

The guidelines are part of the European Commission’s broader efforts to strike a balance between embracing innovation and safeguarding individuals and companies from potential risks associated with AI. While regulations provide a framework, their effectiveness ultimately relies on the individuals responsible for implementing and enforcing them. The success of AI regulation depends on the expertise and dedication of the people involved.

Slovakia’s Perspective

Slovakia, like other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, recognizes the importance of creating a favorable environment for AI development and adoption. The country aims to balance the regulatory burden with the need to support its emerging AI ecosystem and avoid obstacles that could hinder local companies. By correctly evaluating and understanding the intersection of AI and related technologies, Slovakia aims to attract investments and create a regulatory and institutional framework that offers a comparative advantage within the European and global markets.


The European Commission’s internal guidelines on ChatGPT and generative AI tools provide valuable insights into the risks and limitations associated with these technologies. By addressing concerns related to data privacy, biases, intellectual property, and reliability, the guidelines aim to ensure responsible usage within the Commission. Ongoing monitoring and adaptation will be necessary to keep the guidelines up to date, reflecting technological advancements and regulatory developments. Ultimately, the successful implementation of AI regulation relies on the expertise and commitment of those responsible for its execution.



Tags: Internal Guidelines on ChatGPT and Generative AI, regulation implementation

Last Updated on January 18, 2024

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